Monday, March 28, 2011

PRANKS should not go too far

With the approach of April 1st commonly touted as "APRIL FOOLS DAY", it is almost certain that each and everyone of you will experience some form of comedy. With that being said, we would like to remind you of the importance of playing appropriate tricks on appropriate people at the appropriate time. The AMNY today has an article titled 'DONT BE A FOOL AT WORK"(page 18); in it describes some less-successful, very costly pranks pulled in the workplace. Now by no means are we looking down on keeping the spirits up in the workplace, however do you remember the purpose of employment- WORK; So, choose wisely in what you choose to engage in with co-workers, and bosses especially. Dont pay a steep price for momentary humor!


We can all attest to the climate of todays economy. An enigma, at best; You can never truly expect anything except a fight to remain stable in this day and time. Job security and financial stature is not something to be taken lightly for for granted. In a survey conducted by Right Management, a talent and career management expert within Manpower, a world leader in innovative work solutions, "Employee discontent is on the rise, with 84 percent of current employees planning to actively seek new positions in 2011 — up from 60 percent last year, according to a Right Management survey of 1,400 U.S. workers" (Dayton Business Journal).

What does that mean for you? JOBS are opening- stay ahead of the trends. Find upward mobility and security in the CDL INDUSTRY, better known as Commercial Drivers License Industry. RED HOOK ON THE ROAD can train you to obtain your CDL.

To apply:

or give us a call 718-237-4846


"Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.”


Ever feel like your energy or your morale was low And subsequently your output and effectiveness was affected? You are not alone, it happens to the best of us. The key however is the rebound capability. "When you fall you must get up". Here at Red Hook on the Road we are committed to being influential in the revitilization of people's lives. With that being said we are offering you some good techniques on this Monday Morning; techniques which will help you boost your productivity:

1.It is always best to plan for the next day at the end of the day. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance, prioritize your obligations for the next day and map out the process of execution. A helpful idea is to limit the objective to three tasks, making it easier to accomplish therefore boosting your productivity and self esteem.

2.After you have selected the highest priorities, get to those first. failure to get to others will not dampen your spirit as you will feel accomplised as a result of getting to the most important things on your list.

3.Give yourself a realistic time frame for concentration on tasks. It should not take all day to do anything.

4.Use a calendar or personal journal to track your success. Things always look better in black and white, especially when they are marked with "accomplished"


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


NYC is on the cusp of considering legislation that will prohibit the consumption of food in subways, which is supposed to help with the sanitation of the transit system.
Do you agree with the proposal?

No Ceilings

Have you ever felt like there was no true upward mobility in your current industry or profession? In our experience, that is one of the biggest complaints with employees today- the feeling that there is not light at the end of the tunnel. Jobs are more often dead-end or fill-ins as we like to call them. Gone are the days when a person can look forward to 20+ years of service and healthy pension or nest egg when its all said and done.

Have you ever imagined being a Licensed Commercial Driver? Introduce yourself to a fast-paced, upwardly mobile industry; where performance gets rewarded. We can help you become acclimated with many facets of the Commercial Driving Industry through training you to get your BP or BPS license. Come in for an orientation with us to learn more.

We are open Mon-Fri 9-5pm for persons who would like to bring in their driving abstract to be considered for inclusion into our program.

For more info:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Agree or Not Agree?

The Huffington Post reports that these are the 10 Jobs that young people want to work for the most:

10.Teach For America
4.U.S. Department of State
3.The Walt Disney Company

That may be society's preference but one of the keys to life is the ability to deal with reality and adapt to circumstances; For a large number or people those are not an option. HOWEVER, an honest pay for a good day's work is. Thats what we offer @ Red Hook on the Road- the skill setting that will get you to that plateau.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Helping those who help themselves

Many people see Red Hook on the Road as an opportunity to enhance or improve their current living situaions; In addition, Red Hook on the Road serves as the conduit to change. CHANGE is a prevailing theme at Red Hook on the Road; Many come to us looking for a change in career, or a change in salary. Either way we are a viable resource to the public. We promote change by enhancement of skills and networking building. INITIATIVE comes first. You will get nowhere in life without taking a step. As we have said success stories are what makes Red Hook on the Road's mission so important, and or existence worthwile.

Meet Yvonna McAllister, a single mother of 2 small children ages 7 and 4. WHen Yvonna came to Red Hook on the Road she was looking for relief from the burden of trying to make ends meet on food stamps and $212 a week from unemployment ($190 a week after taxes).

In her intake she shared with us some of her work history and what made her want to join Red Hook on the Road and become a Commercial Driver. “I’ve worked since my kids were small. Mostly in clerical/data entry. My last job was with a temp agency but I need something more stable so that I can take care of my kids the way that I know that I can.. I always said that I would pursue my CDL if I ever became unemployed again, so here I am. I know that with a commercial driver’s license I an always find work.”

With the blessing of her mother agreeing to help with the kids Yvonna applied and was accepted to our program. Every morning she drove out to her mother’s house in Queens with the kids. Sometimes leaving them overnight with her.

Yvonna was determined and consistently remarked,

“I already know that I want to be a lady trucker. Female truck drivers are far and few in between but I know that it’s what I want to do.”

After completing the program and getting her class “BP” CDL RHOR’s job developer took Yvonna, along with several other graduates to Fresh Direct. After being interviewed Yvonna took a road test on one of their trucks. She handled the truck like a pro and was hired with a starting salary of $12 an hour.

While getting the experience that she needed at Fresh Direct, a good friend recommended Yvonna for a job with Iron Mountain, a world wide off site data protection and records storage corporation.

At Iron Mountain, Yvonna started with an entry level salary of $14.75 an hour with full medical benefits for her and her kids and a 401K after 45 days of employment .

“I am so happy with being a truck driver. My mom is also very happy with me being able to provide a good living for my kids. I am now working on improving my credit score so that I can purchase my first home hopefully next year. Thank you so much Red Hook on The Road.”

We are here to HELP; people like Yvonna McAllister and you. Dont hesitate to come in to Red Hook on the Road for more information, or visit our website:

Friday, March 18, 2011

Changing Lives Through Training

In the past couple of weeks we have sought to give you reasons and evidence concerning the importance of our existence. At the very core of what we do is a passion for serving others; Through training we have been able to impact peoples lives by assisting them in improvement. At the same time, we have been able to improve and learn so much from our client- base. If you were to ask anyone what the reward is for what they do you would probably receive a variety of answers. In life results can be analyzed in many forms. For us Commercial Drivers License training is not about monetary gains- for us; rather its much deeper. Its about the lives of the people who train with us and the rate of their success. We have trained over 2,000 CDL drivers in the past 10+ years; Along with that success comes storys. Today we would like to share one with you:

Its the story of a female who had the courage and ambition to actually go after what she felt she wanted. All too often you see people dream, but not actualize. Here at Red Hook on the Road we are about a couple of things: Commitment, Effort, Responsibility, Initiative, and Discipline. Enhancement can be synonomous with change in some instances. That Change may become a complete overhaul. If thats what it takes, then thats what is done- and WE WILL HELP! Just ask Marisol Gonzalez....

Marisol Gonzalez is a single mother of three children ages 17, 14, and 7 came to Red Hook on The Road because she wanted to get off of public assistance, get a good paying job and provide for her children. “I know that people may think that I might not be able to do it because I’m only 4ft 9 inches tall, but I know that I will make an excellent bus driver. After being a homemaker for the past few years I know that it is time for me to go back to work since my children are now all in school. For the past few years I’ve been an in home child care provider and even worked part time as a teacher’s assistant so I know how to deal with kids. I think that I’ll make a great school bus driver.”

Little did Marisol know that after getting her “BP” license her driving career would head in a whole new direction. Shortly after completing the training RHOR Director Julio Perez received a call from Gate Gourmet, a trucking company that delivers foods to the airlines out at JFK Airport. They were looking for a truck driver with a clean class “B” CDL. Mr. Perez spoke with Marisol about the job. Based on the fact that the starting salary was $12.20 an hour and that she would be eligible for full benefits after passing her probationary period the job really appealed to her. It didn’t matter that it was truck instead of bus. The interview was set up for a Saturday and Mr. Perez personally took her down. After being interviewed Marisol took a road test on one of their trucks. She passed with flying colors. She was offered the job and she gladly accepted. “I thought that I was going to drive a bus but this is great.” Due to a family emergency Marisol had to rush to Puerto Rico. She was gone for 3 weeks. With all hope lost Marisol contacted Mr. Perez after she returned to NY. Mr. Perez advocated on behalf of Marisol to Gate Gourmet; explaining to them that it was a family emergency that kept her from starting. They agreed to the original offer that was made and gave her a shot.

Since starting, Marisol has received a raise which makes her present salary $13.20 an hour. “I love my job. Thank you so much Red Hook on The Road.”

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Your Daily Horoscope - Pisces
Wednesday, March 16th 2011

If something doesn't add up, trust your intuition. In case you are not told the whole story, don't go ahead with anything until you are sure. A lot is going on in your life now. Although you are guided on some level, take charge of your decisions and the direction you take.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Customized Assistance

No two participants are alike. At Red Hook on the Road we have a policy of customizing our assistance to each participant. That includes gaining an understanding of the clients' preferences of work after obtaining their CDL; we try out best to assist each and every client to acquire emplyment in their desired feel. Our job developers have many contacts throughout the Commercial Driving Industry which is a great asset and resource for our participants.

What we ask for, WE GIVE

At Red Hook on the Road we require commitment and dedication from our participants, with that said we believe in reciprocating as well as leading by example; That same commitment and dedication which we fill is imperative of our clients, is also required of us. CDL Training is our specialty, but we have a higher goal and mission- that is assisting people in Career and Life change. Skill improvement can have a lasting effect on people. We have witnessed the resurrection of peoples lives after acquiring gainful employment within the Commercial Driving Industry. We take pride in what we do and how we help people.

As a subsidiary of Fifth Avenue Committee, RHOR is fully committed to the fight against sub-standard living, through providing people ways to develop and progress economically. Our target demographic is low-income/unemployed.

Monday, March 14, 2011

In Todays Daily News

"Nothing seems to irk travelers more than paying travel fees. What’s especially maddening about these charges is that in many cases—think checked luggage and in-flight pillows and food—we're paying for things that were free until very recently"

Traveling has definitely become a hassle on so many levels; Highly regarded as one of the best experiences, traveling is something that helps persons expand their horizons as well as knowledge of the world and life. Becoming a CDL driver can help with that goal. Many people has remarked that their desire to travel and meet new people, as well as see new places as one of the motivations to obtain a CDL. Not a bad idea, if we might say so ourselves. As such, we would like for you to view RHOR as your newest travel agent, as we can help with your goal of traveling by assisting you in obtaining your CDL; Check out our website to get a better understanding of what we can do for you!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Success Calls for Strategic Planning

"Most new ventures fail. If you are going to take on the risks and responsibilities of a new venture, you need to be motivated to succeed. That is why it is important first to understand your motivation for starting a new social venture and your definition of success" (Jim Fruchterman "For Love or Lucre, Spring 2011)

This blueprint can be applied to any idea, merely wanting to begin anew is admirable but does not always end with execution. It is said that "Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance." Commonly called The 5 P's. Do you disagree? If so we would like to hear your rebuttal. It is a proven fact that this statement holds true. In order for a goal or objective to come to fruition, tact is imperative, socially as well as professionally which is the context to which we relate. Red Hook on the Road was founded on principles of service and training; Our success rate suggests that as it stands we have done a good job in maintaining a focus and concentration on our objective, and the success of our clients.

We would like to extend our assistance to as many as possible, and we encourage anyone desiring career enhancement by way of a CDL career to check us out. Any questions, concers or comments feel free to contact us via phone or email
tel: 718-237-4846
In addition feel free to visit our webpage:

Monday, March 7, 2011


These are some of the frequently asked questions by our participants when they initially contact RHOR with interest about our program and its services.

1. What do I need to qualify?
2. How long is the course?
3. What kind of vehicles can I drive
4. Where are you located?
5. What do I need to have?

We would like for you all to know that the first step in obtaining your abstract from the Department of Motor Vehicles, after which you bring it to our office located @:

151 Fifth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217

Accessible by all major trains via the Atlantic Avenue Station as well as the R- Train @ Union St. We are open Monday- Friday 8-4:30PM

Come on in with your valid Driver's abstract (no more than 30 days old) and fill out the necessary intake forms to be included in our next Orientation (Orientations take place every Wednesday)

All of your Questions regarding RHOR and the course will be answered at that time.


Thursday, March 3, 2011


So much of life and business is about trends. Trends perpetuate strategy and anticipation. Trend by definition means, "Pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or process, or an average or general tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain direction over time, represented by a line or curve on a graph."
There are people who specialize in analysis of TRENDS in society. Not to be too much of an optimistic but in my experience, Trends more times than not have served true. Think of any simple aspect of life- fashion, sports, politics, music; trends are sure to pass; If it were not for technological trending you might not have the phone that you have, in your pocket. (Just something to think about). I was doing some research on the CDL industry and I found an article in the Daily news from April 2009 which spoke to the economic scenarios of our country in recent times:

“One of the few groups that is mildly recession-proof is sales because it’s the one occupation where there’s actual revenue being generated for an individual firm,” Dalal says. “So firms that are trying to maintain a certain level of business are going to continue to recruit sales candidates and employees, so that they can try to keep afloat through the little burst bubble that we’re in.”
Training for a new job doesn’t have to mean going back to school either.
“We see a huge demand for truckers,” Dalal points out. “And this has been ongoing for five years and will continue. Trucking is still a major part of the national infrastructure. And there’s been a shortage of commercial driver license holders.”

Read more: We all can attest to the fragility and fluctuation of the job market; with that being the case, attaining a job has become as concentrated an effort as ever.
(by Gina Salamone Wednesday, April 15th 2009, 5:34 PM- NyDailynews)
Read more:

Not only does it take persevearance and repetition, but assistance at times as well.
Assistance can come in many forms, but as you can see by the article, job training can be VERY HELPFUL. One place that has a proven track record is RED HOOK ON THE ROAD, with over 2000 trainess, and a 90% success rate trucking industry which is ahead of the curve, is at your disposal.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Are you ready for a seat in the chair of progress; the chair of CHANGE. If you are, we can help you as we have helped the more than 2,000 students we have trained since our inception. No order is too tall, no thought impossible. Let us assist you in getting on the ROAD to a better career. With our 90% success rate we are sure that you too will be satisfied if you follow the process. It begins with you obtaining your driving abstract, and bringing it to our office.

For more information call 718-237-4846 or email