So much of life and business is about trends. Trends perpetuate strategy and anticipation. Trend by definition means, "Pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or process, or an average or general tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain direction over time, represented by a line or curve on a graph."
There are people who specialize in analysis of TRENDS in society. Not to be too much of an optimistic but in my experience, Trends more times than not have served true. Think of any simple aspect of life- fashion, sports, politics, music; trends are sure to pass; If it were not for technological trending you might not have the phone that you have, in your pocket. (Just something to think about). I was doing some research on the CDL industry and I found an article in the Daily news from April 2009 which spoke to the economic scenarios of our country in recent times:
“One of the few groups that is mildly recession-proof is sales because it’s the one occupation where there’s actual revenue being generated for an individual firm,” Dalal says. “So firms that are trying to maintain a certain level of business are going to continue to recruit sales candidates and employees, so that they can try to keep afloat through the little burst bubble that we’re in.”
Training for a new job doesn’t have to mean going back to school either.
“We see a huge demand for truckers,” Dalal points out. “And this has been ongoing for five years and will continue. Trucking is still a major part of the national infrastructure. And there’s been a shortage of commercial driver license holders.”
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/money/2009/04/16/2009-04-16_look_whos_hiring_now_health_care_hitech_and_sales.html#ixzz1FY4HJFYc We all can attest to the fragility and fluctuation of the job market; with that being the case, attaining a job has become as concentrated an effort as ever.
(by Gina Salamone Wednesday, April 15th 2009, 5:34 PM- NyDailynews)
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/money/2009/04/16/2009-04-16_look_whos_hiring_now_health_care_hitech_and_sales.html#ixzz1FY4TRlyd
Not only does it take persevearance and repetition, but assistance at times as well.
Assistance can come in many forms, but as you can see by the article, job training can be VERY HELPFUL. One place that has a proven track record is RED HOOK ON THE ROAD, with over 2000 trainess, and a 90% success rate trucking industry which is ahead of the curve, is at your disposal.