Wednesday, October 19, 2011



Red Hook on the Road is proud to announce another successful month of operation as we were able to maintain our 95% efficiency rate in regards to training Commercial Drivers; October saw the graduation of 22 persons whom are now licensed by the State of New York in the CDL field. We would like to take a moment to congratulate these individuals who displayed the initiative and discipline necessary to accomplish their goal of acquiring a life-changing skill. As a staff we are honored to have been of assistance to them, as well as the thousands of others whom we have trained previously.

As we have always stated, our mission is to help previously low income individuals enhance their marketability in the job force, and begin to take steps to improve their living situations. Since 1996 we have been blessed to be able to do so. We ask for continued assistance from all within our network through referrals and more. We thank you for your effort.

November is the dawn of Cycle 150, and we are still accepting applications for admission into our program for that cycle. Please feel free to contact us with any further questions or comments

Wishing you continued success as well

Best Regards