Friday, February 25, 2011


Recent changes to the Compliance Safety Objective has called for a stricter vigilance by the patrol in regards to the performance of CDL Drivers, and especially to their health. Greater emphasis on driver fatigue, fitness and alcohol abuse. This comes in the wake of a decrease in trailer accidents nationally, which the Highway Patrol wants to encourage a continuation of. Some other elements that they are cracking down on are: Load safety (tying down merchandise/cargo), operational hazards (i.e. balding tires, bad brakes, etc.): For more information on new standards:

1 comment:

  1. Obtaining a CDL License is only the start...maintaining it by adhering to state rules and regulations, taking care of responsibilities is another great task that RHOR continuously advice present and past graduates to preserve their license and conform to such rules and regulations so they wont lose their license. Indeed safety matters.
